This city is weird.
The one day out of the 365 days in the year - this city literally shuts down. No buses, no tubes, no shops, no nothing. Well, with the exception of the aethiest small corner shops, there is no way to get around this city without paying exorbitant taxi fares or supplemented minicabs.
I had to stay over at Leona's place xmas eve so that we could have a leisurely hours walk to Yoko's place the next day.
This is the first christmas I've had that I haven't been around family or old friends. At first this point was a little upsetting, but I spent the day with down-to-earth people who's company I really enjoy.
It was such a leisurely start to the day. The walk to Yoko's was a route via Tower Bridge, granny trolley in tow holding the xmas food we were due to devour for dinner.
Leona, me, Yoko, Sophie and Noely just chilled, watched shows on Sky and generally mucked about. We were joined by Fatima and Noel later in the evening.
Reiterating the point that there is NO transportation on xmas day - sleepover at Yoko's.
Powered over back to Leona' s on boxing day. Helped her put down flooring in her apartment. Jigsaw, hammers, and power tools at hand, we blitzed this room which took all day to do for non-handyman girlies. Being covered in sawdust sent back memories from my previous home renovating the apartment, and the garage full of Damien's tools, bits and bobs.