I may be disgusted by the commercialism of it all, but I like the enthusiasm they have here for christmas and the festive season. The setting is so fitting - cold weather, the reverberation of christmas carols in shopping centres, early darkness to enjoy the pretty lights which line the streets and windows aglow by the christmas tree behind the pane.
I love half days at work.
Today gave me the opportunity to finish my christmas shopping, and I spent alot of this day window shopping to get some ideas for a new years eve costume.
The quandry of deciding whether or not to go as wraped presents-convicts-smurfs-the wiggles etc lead to no decision being made. Particularly after we found out the convict idea was already taken.
It has been quite foggy the last few days, to the extent that it has affected flights in and out of London and Europe.
The fog made my experience iceskating even more enjoyable. A misty, cold night, combined with the exhaustion of trying to stay on the skates and the hilarity of falling over was quality.
The reaction from Leona when her bum was pinched was priceless, I wish I got a photo of that!
The exhaustion didn't stop on the rink. Even though I live around this area I don't really know it that well, and because of the fog it was a bit disorientating.
So with none of us having any sense of direction and not sure of the buses, we hauled our asses up through the streets, stopping at pretty much each street corner to reassess where we were at. We walked past the Heath for a good 45mins, then onto Hampsted Hight St - walking with a random pedestrian (Raj) who pointed us in the right direction, and finishing a lovely asian restaurant Dim T.
The thick mist also affect the photos:
Leona, Yoko and me.
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