Friday, 8 December 2006

2nd time lucky

Right peeps, lets try this again.

Due to requests from family who are as adept with technology as I (that is not a compliment) and can't manage to Skype, message or otherwise, I've had to resort to this blogging thing again as - to be honest - I'm a bit over staying up late so I can ring them and I can't talk to them in the mornings cos I'm at work, and weekend 'time' are just way too precious nowadays.

Have started a new blog as I couldn't bring myself to add to the last one.

Will have to skim over the last 12 or so months I'm afraid - which is a shame really cos they've been the most interesting and eventful, but this will give a general idea of what's happening now.

All nerdiness asside, it's not a bad idea to document your travel movements for future reference, and it's easier for me to do so now as I've got the laptop and my place has internet.

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